This birthday is all about you, I can't help it but to think of you, maybe it's my immense need to your shoulder or a love that thrives everyday. I couldn’t resist a persistent feeling that you are happy; I could smell your scent haunting me and your happiness filling the air. I needed to know, I had to know, you mean the world to me and your happiness nourishes my heart. I needed to know that even if I'm not there you are doing fine, it's strange that the only way to spill my heart out is the web and yet it's the way to get your news.
I haven’t had a real complete happiness since we’ve parted ways; nothing brings true immense happiness when I’m not sharing it with you. Thank you for this almost forgotten feeling of happiness, reading your name with your promotion is my ultimate birthday gift filling my heart with tremendous rapture, finally the long waited birthday fueling my life and restoring the feeling of complete happiness.
I feel more alive than ever with your love nourishing my heart, I love you, there are so many things that I want to tell you, a momentous desire to hear your voice chanting my ears. I’ve had so much love in my life and you’ve flooded me with your love to nourish the fading stars, and when you are gone I’ve felt the shallowness of my existence and emptiness of this universe. You’ve given me a perpetual love surpassing my heartbeats. I’ve always loved you and I’ll always will and for that I dedicate this birthday to you. As I witness the near end of a decade, I know you had the ultimate share of it and no one deserves it but you, you were my gift from heaven and divine gifts don’t happen twice in a lifetime, this is the birthday where I celebrate you my love.
I’ll always be thankful for you, I never thanked you enough, and now when you are away and our ways may never cross I feel more thankful for everything you’ve ever done and still do. I love you for the care you gave me, for the love I basked in, for the warmth you showered me, for the shoulder you offered me, for the heart you included me in, for what you are, what you did and for what you still do, I dare to say that you’ve always been my source of happiness and still are. "Life isn’t measured by the number of breaths you take but by the number of times your breath is taken away” and today I'm breathless.