Listening to FM station, it was near midnight, a poem was being recited by a voice that was pretending warmth and serenity. I felt like listening to some eloquent poems to revive my soul. As I was listening to them, it turned out to be one of those late night love programs. I've heard about such programs and how they get more popular everyday. People tuning the frequency and awaiting to listen to others' sad stories. Maybe because it lessens the pain they endure witnessing much harsher tragedies.
As I waited for the next poem, callers started to join the show with deep sighs, teary voices and bleeding words. Everyone pouring their hearts out. They were tormented with their hearts ripped out of their chests. Swallowed by their sadness, embraced by loneliness and wore their hearts on their sleeves.
I've always wondered what makes someone goes on a national radio in a small country like Kuwait and publicly spell the heart out!! They must be desperately hopeless and the pain is beyond imagination to take such route. I've always found it tremendously hard to share my pains with my closest ones, how does it make the heartbeat smoother if I start spreading my news!! I guess each has his own approach. I can't stop my imaginations from conceiving the possibility that the other person is actually listening, how might he/she feels? What would happen? Does it really work? Sometimes the wild imagination draws the scenarios and pictures the scenes for the couple being back together again. (Bad technique as this procedure might swell your heartache)
I've always thought that the majority of callers are teenagers who magnify their pain, picturing it as the end of the world. You could predict ages from their voices, they sounded in their late twenties and some even in their early forties. You could hear their weeping hearts and feel the weight of their wounded tears.
I've come to realize that real love exists scarcely nowadays, and it is not possible to find someone who truly and ultimately loves you for who you are and accepts your flaws. It is becoming more and more of a exterminated breed of emotions as almost everyone is turning unto materialistic and egotistical figures especially with the younger generations.
It was like a cold shower that hit me, that there are still people haven't been affected yet, who embrace their hearts and express their emotions freely. It was the rise for the hope that people can still connect to their hearts and allow their emotion to flow into their veins which ironically made me smile despite the sad nature of their stories that real emotions prevails.
Their stories unleash your demons and work as the flash point for your agonies to be ignited. Indeed I couldn't imagine the pain they are going through that may force them to expose their life to all listeners and jeopardizing their identities, they were mostly helpless and some even hopeless. The pain was unbearable as their universe is shattering into pieces. It is those moments that bring us back to the basics, that we are all humans, who are as vulnerable as daisies to the wind and who are always emotionally immature when it comes to heartaches. Sometimes life's whirlwind sucks the life out of us and leave us emotionally drained and wilted, it makes us believe that we can skip the heartbeat and control its pulses. It is when we hit rock bottom that makes us realize how desperate, how weak we are and how human we are.
They were representing the last people who could relate to their hearts and were willing to tell the world how much they are madly in love. I pray for them to end their miseries as I take a bow and raise my hat saluting them all for being attached to their hearts, living it to the utmost and for stirring my emotions.
I haven't listened to the show recently, but I can imagine such a thing. Usually these people have no where to turn to, and need to share their emotions, so they share it with the people who know best, those who most likely listen to the show. Its sad yeah, but oh well, what's life without sadness.
ReplyDeleteThis is a really deep post! I enjoyed reading it. I totally understand what you're saying and it does make me feel better. This reminds me of www.postsecret.com where strangers reveal their biggest secrets to one another. Great post!
ReplyDelete>> N.:
ReplyDeleteGreat input
>> Hakai:
Totally, sometimes the temptation is so severe that even those who don't share at all give up to strangers.
It's more like little conversations with bar strangers. You let it out and never worry about it.
Loved your post, you sound like a hopeless romantic.. or maybe not.. depends.
ReplyDeletesome people consider calling them "hopeless romantics" to be an insult.. if this is the case with you.. then no offense ;)
I hope you're right when it comes to finding and knowing people who are true to themselves and their feelings.. I can't say I know any..eveyone seems to be occupied by life in general..too self indulgedor too busy to stop and breath, fall inlove.. or even simply enjoy one another!
I find it hard to believe true love like the old days still exists..
if it does.. yay.. more hope for me ;)
This is one of the most captivating posts I've ever read here! Love your style of writing!
ReplyDeleteI believe the callers who pour their hearts out do heal from it. I've kept loads of things to myself in the past and I guess I was subconsciously looking for a receptive avenue to release. Once I came across an encouraging group, I let out some of the stuff but soon found my mouth unstoppable! At the end of it, I felt so much lighter. Turns out there was someone there who was going through something similar and seeing another person going through the same thing allowed her to come up with constructive advice without the emotional-attachment (wierd but that's how she put it). She would then follow that advice she had for me.
I believe the ones who do go on-air want:
1. To be heard- to let it out.
2. That special someone to hear their messages.
3. To offer help to the rest in one way or the other.
Hope you don't mind me linking you?
>> 3abeer:
ReplyDeleteNone taken :)
True, it is not as common as old days and sure not growing in numbers.
Well, it’s the nature of this age to be carried away trying to keep surfing up all the time. I believe that many people are somehow excused to drift away and forget about their feelings sometimes. But everyone, every once in a while reaches rock bottom when the burden is as vast as the universe when they get to meet their true selves and to acknowledge how priceless what they have.
>> Maya:
Thank you for your kind words.
Interesting perspective, usually you can offer an excellent advice and fully convince others with it and you still manage to sound emotionally intact though you are shattered into thousands of pieces.
You might surprise yourself with the quality of your advice which you'd never thought that you can produce such ("mainly because you are emotionally unattached"). But when you try to apply it yourself, you find it so bitter to follow or you even think that you are in too bigger of a mess to be fixed by your own advice.
Loved your input.
Don't mind at all
.. aakh.. though i admire their courage.. they must have really hit rock bottom if theyre ready to share their stories on the radio in a typical 'it's-a-small-world' country like kuwait..
ReplyDeleteeveryone knows everyone ;s
What an interesting blog. :)
ReplyDelete“almost everyone is turning unto materialistic and egotistical figures” … That's a very cynical statement and it’s sad in and of itself for someone to feel that way. I think that people can love money and love themselves and have the ambition to seek their interests and STILL be good people who know how to prioritize and how to take care of their relationships with other people and with God. Glad your listening to those people helped alleviate some of your skepticism.
Aside from that, when I read the statement of purpose I thought it sounded familiar, like I've read it before or heard it somewhere. Sure enough, I found out it was written by E.E. Cummings. You might want to put quotations and some sort of reference so that readers can know where the poem came from. :D
"Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
ReplyDeleteMere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned . . "
--"The Second Coming" by William Butler Yates
unfortunately, it seems that people don't know how to love anymore. sacrifice and compromise no longer exist in their dictionary. it has been replaced with selfishness.
people are in constant pursuit of what makes them happy.. a lot of times, not realizing that happiness is at their finger tips. they're just too busy looking around to notice. most times, they end up noticing when it's too late!
Its funny.. but when we're in the crappy situation ourselves, we automatically think that love just doesn't exist anymore... but if we open our eyes a little we'll learn that.. it does... and it does..
ReplyDeleteGod never leaves us without love.. but Humans often abandon God's gifts...
However(in my opinion), as a generation.. WE have lost the manual booklet for the process of love... we can feel it.. but often don't know how to act upon it.
My pleasure :)
ReplyDeleteI know what you mean hon.
Its tough but it ain't impossible :)
>> Palo-girl:
ReplyDeleteAdmire indeed, such massive pain goes through them that blinds them from the fear of exposing themselves. You can't help it but to wonder yourself, have I ever been such traumatized that one day I might do it myself?
You retrospect how you endured numerous pains and still didn't take that leap. Does it mean that I'm more tolerant? Or does it mean that I've only witnessed a glimpse of real agony despite how anguishing it has been?
>> 1001 Nights:
I shall put a reference, it's just that I felt it was well known to put a reference to it. Consider it done. Thank you for the remark.
Indeed it's a sarcastic statement, everyone is entitled to choose their main interests while maintaining a rigid priorities. It's just some people engulf into their material desires to the degree that blinds them from what's immortal and priceless in their lives. They might start right but then lose the way by chasing their desires and forget their priorities. It's all about balancing them out and always looking back to what used to matter to prevent going through a path for too long and immersing into what's doomed to fade and lose it value with time.
>> MSB:
"people are in constant pursuit of what makes them happy.. a lot of times, not realizing that happiness is at their finger tips. they're just too busy looking around to notice. most times, they end up noticing when it's too late!"
Couldn't say it better, Touché.
>> Kamiliya:
Indeed, too blinded to read the manual and soon all the letters seem to fade and when we get back to it, we shall feel awkward to embrace God's gifts as we feel them but shall not know how to react to them.
>> Maya:
It's the illusion of impossible that holds us back.
Poor souls, must be hard to have no where else to turn to..
ReplyDelete>> Vixen:
That's very sad. It's true, those that have true love and are smart enough to sustain it in a healthy way are very lucky mashallah.
ReplyDeleteThere are many people who are burdened by affections but their problem is communication. I, myself don't know how I would react if someone professed affection. I believe I might get scared, hide from it or reject it but it would prove worthy if it was there even if I tried to hide from it, because with time I know that I will accept it, get accustomed to it and I would embrace it and that person but who has the patience to stay that long or convince you of that? Men are afraid of rejection and women hardly make first moves.
I wish people were open about their feelings despite their fears. That goes for marriage as well not only relationships.
>> Sushi:
ReplyDeleteFears melt away once love enters the equation, one shall be vibrated by millions of emotions and have a natural avalanche of words. It doesn't take much once the certainty of feelings has been met.
It's about knowing the deepest darkest secrets and it is still ok to accept and embrace the other person fully.
interesting post, although am not a fan of these radio shows ..
ReplyDeleteBut I think that is just a normal radio show theres nothing bad about that ..
I don't like it when ppl how could do like this in kuwait!! <== this expression makes you feel like they walk out naked or something! LOL
c'mon its a radio show .. sometimes you have something in your mind or in your heart to say & you feel like you want to share it with strangers .. but you don't like to share this to ppl you really know!
thats exactly what happens in Blogs as well! .. so let them express themsleves :)
I hope enny ma6awalt 3aleek .. great post again :) .. thanks & goodluck
>> Stewie:
ReplyDeleteYou are right, it's a normal show but the intents to the post is what major agony that stir such actions.
Indeed it relates to our tendency to express ourselves openly to complete strangers, but are there really any strangers in relatively small community like Kuwait?
I know it's a cliché, but you'll find tiny it is and everyone seems to be intertwined somehow.
Again, the main purpose is the agony behind such calls.
I beg to differ when it comes to blogs, if you are really careful you'll manage to obscure your anonymity. You have the time to reread your post and double check any revelations, and not to forget no voice is needed.
Thank you and welcome to my blog.
ur absolutely correct!ppl these days are taken away by the simplest things in life, they avoid looking at the general and most important image.. its as if their mentality gets narrower by the minute (talking about the new generation that i encounter every single day).. unfortunately!
ReplyDeleteand ya, i find it very difficult to share my emotions/feelings/thoughts with those close to me.. i tend to conceal my emotions and reveal them to no one, dont know y though.
I don't know why but today, in general, people are becoming more sensitive. Life is no longer a train.... it's more of a rocket!!! and things come easily and go easily.... easy losss easy gain... easy come and easy go... This is depressing kinda.
ReplyDeleteAbout people opening up.... I think people who call such shows are just like people who blog to let out their feelings.
They are not opening up to someone who knows them. To them, it seems like the easiest way out of exploing one day in the long term.
I don't know if i make sense to you but I feel like, although I wouldn't personally call a show to talk about my feelings, i think I still understand what goes in their heads when they do such a thing.
>> Canc3rian:
ReplyDeleteEither you get emotionally numbed with the high haste of time as many things lose their value to us with fluctuated perspectives, or as you've mentioned people might tend to be more sensitive as the result of never having the chance to absorb things fully and never having our feet grounded firmly and the values are shifted to the wrong places with less efforts to attend our emotional needs.
I understand fully, it's relates more or less to blogging with more exposure to public. In blogging you pull your own strings as you control the words and you are hiding behind a set of words, while no one can hear your sighs, tears and pain. But in the essence, they serve the same purpose.
>> Canc3rian:
ReplyDeleteEither you get emotionally numbed with the high haste of time as many things lose their value to us with fluctuated perspectives, or as you've mentioned people might tend to be more sensitive as the result of never having the chance to absorb things fully and never having our feet grounded firmly and the values are shifted to the wrong places with less efforts to attend our emotional needs.
I understand fully, it's relates more or less to blogging with more exposure to public. In blogging you pull your own strings as you control the words and you are hiding behind a set of words, while no one can hear your sighs, tears and pain. But in the essence, they serve the same purpose.