For whatever reason drives someone to blog and share own thoughts, events and emotions. At some level and to some degree it revolves around therapeutic writing. And as with every successful therapy, comes a healing to end it. Which makes me wonder how long does it take for the effects to kick in?
How many bloggers have chosen to abandon their blogs when they felt that it's the right time. I'm not talking about impulsive blogs that come and disappear or those who wants to give it a shot, I'm talking about those who are committed to their blogs, who gave their heart and soul to it and once they reach their saturation point, off they go.
How many bloggers are there in everyone's list who aren't active anymore, who have stopped abruptly, some have had their share of farewells and some felled from the face of blog-o-sphere and walked away.
I've been told by a friend that writing might be the perfect solution for my lack of venting and to avoid explosion, I do spell my emotions into posts that are saved as drafts and most probably won't be posted until I reach a cooling point, just having them out of my chest might ease it a little bit.
Then when does it end if a relief isn't achieved? When blogging starts to turn into an addiction, to a constant urge for that emotional adrenaline shot to keep things balanced and slowly developing new needs & new habits which start to take over. And instead of being imprisoned with certain emotions, people are imprisoned in posts.
How many out there think they've been cured and are ready to quit and vanish? How long does it take for a blog to die? What does it take to turn your back for your blog? How long will it last? How long will I last?
one year.
ReplyDeleteI was going to post something similar to this and you amazingly took the lead! In a much better way too.
ReplyDeleteI had previous blogs, but they are all gone because of the reason that I wanted it to be a therapy of some sort, and that it was a stage in my life. For that reason, it reached an end! However, right now, I do not think of it that way. This is why I do not ever think of deleting my blog or disappearing.
It is like a mission, and something that is going to be ongoing for as long as it can. For a second I thought you were saying your goodbye post! I hope that isn't the case! :) Keep posting!
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletewell, it happened to me, out of depression, I love blogging & I don't think I would quit just like that - I mean go cold turkey..
ReplyDeleteI don't think you're right about it but if you are I think I'm not ready to let go my blog, it's like my baby.
ReplyDeleteMy case is similar to N's. Blogging was therapeutic for me and I had to delete my first blog because it was healing me faster than I could handle.
ReplyDeleteNow that I'm over my depression (hopefully) I just use it to log my thoughts. Will I ever stop? I don't think so, maybe slow down, but not stop entirely.
How long will you last? If your objectvie of blogging is also therapeutic then I hope you reach your healing stage soon. But don't stop blogging coz you do. I agree with your friend, writing is the best solution, not just to vent, but to clear one's thoughts. Even when I stopped blogging, I didn't stop writing.
Blog away touche :D
well .. for some stupid reasons I've decided to stop my previous 3 blogs! ..
ReplyDeletethe reason was 'I dont have time to write such words nobody ever read!' ..
after I started my latest (hopefully my everlasting one!) blog .. I thought it is ok to have some breaks in between but trust me those written words will mean alot to you if you deeply browse at them in lets say 4 years time, you'll see how interesting your life really was back in the days!!
so, hopefully, I won't do it again!!
3ala goolty ..
thanx touche & goodluck :)
there's no set formula.. it differs from person to person based on personality, what's going on in their life, and what void the blog is there to fill.
ReplyDeletei've written on a daily basis and i've gone weeks/months without posting. then again, i'm a gemini so i guess that's typical behavior for me :)
It might depend on the kind of blog you are writing. It might depend on changing levels of maturity as you go along. I see some blogs start, you can kind of tell they are just for fun, and they just drivel on until they run out of juice.
ReplyDeleteOther blogs deal with interesting questions, and those are the kinds that you keep coming back to.
I would guess that those who last are blogging because they need to express themselves, they like writing and they like seeing where they have been. Also they like feedback! Please don't stop; yours is one that raises good questions.
>> Error:
ReplyDeleteOne year?
Is that your estimations for your blog life? or an estimated guess for an average blog life? Or is it one year from today?
>> N.
Oh no, it's not the case, I'm not planning to quit, at least not now.
It happened as I was re-reading some of the dormant blogs and one in particular that drove me into pondering the idea of my blog life span. I think my blogging started as a way to vent and let things out and this led to what if I saturate and don't feel like saying anything more, will I stop? Somewhere at some point it'll will be more than venting and clusters into tackling things that echo in your mind.
"It is like a mission, and something that is going to be ongoing for as long as it can" So it's a mission, you managed to put it more accurately, and what if the mission is accomplished? I think new ones shall arise and fuel us up.
I've come across some of you posts that were brewing in my mind and had the same sentiment. Or is it Mysterious Other :)
>> Chikapappi:
Oh no, you from all will never go "cold turkey" :)
I think you're on your way of being the godfather of all bloggers and from time to time we'll seek your blessings :-D
>> Blue Ice Envy:
The problem is that blogging is relatively a new trend, and we can't build up an accurate statistics so far.
Some hold on to it so tightly, consume their energy and get hooked and addicted. Others fulfill their "mission" and walk away.
>> Mirror Polisher:
"Healing faster than I can handle" Tempting to go through that road just to taste that overwhelming healing.
I can relate to that, sometimes you get addicted to your pains that you can't seem to adjust once they are gone and need time to process such emotions and gradually heal themselves. I know I am, I'm not willing to let go of certain hurts for many reasons.
I shall blog about addiction to pains if N. doesn't write about it before I do :)
Kindly refer to my reply to N.'s to clear my case.
Glad to know that you managed your way out of your depression.
Thanks for stopping by.
>> Stewie:
Hope you stick to it and never consider abandoning your blog again.
I agree, one day you look back and retrospect your life and think about all the changes you've gone through
You can refer to Superhero Identity for more elaborations.
>> MSB:
Horoscope tendencies, never thought about it :) I'll keep that in mind.
Once the void is filled, a new one will surface, glad to have you around.
>> Intlxpatr:
First of all, I have a confession to make. You're comments are the first ones I've read in blog-o-sphere and your blog is the second one that I checked and since then it's been a staple on my daily readings.
I'm not surprised to see that your comment sums it up entirely in few sentences and you make it so hard to reply to your comment when they are so perfect and accurate to the bone.
I'm flattered with your comment, thank you, you've managed to put a smile on my face :-)
great post!
ReplyDeleteit reminds me of life itself...
it wont die until the owner decides to quit, stop writing, or yetwaffa =/
ReplyDeleteI thought of stop blogging several times..whenever I think of that I find myself posting new thought...
ReplyDeleteI can't do things for long period of time...I always wonder if my blog will survive for years or will I end it oneday...I have no idea...!!
these thoughts are taking over me..peoples' thoughts and my own thoughts..
I don't know what to say anymore..I will stop till here..!!I don't know even what I said..I just felt like I wanna speak.....
very good post..I really loved it...
>> bb q8:
ReplyDeleteThank you.
Yes it does revolve around the same essence. One thing leads to another.
>> Very.q8ya:
I loved your response.
I don't know why but it felt so spontaneous, affirmative and simple.
>> Desert-Roses:
Thanks for the compliment.
It revolves around the reason of you blogging. The thing is people fluctuates over time and what used to be important is replaced with new priorities and what's been cherished isn't anymore.
You will stop when all the feelings, unanswered quests, thoughts become overwhelming and your weary soul cannot translate all that into..simple words.
ReplyDeletebut a writer is a writer..always will be.
ReplyDeleteThat's true, once the passion, obsession or urge (whatever people call it) runs dry, an end is due.
"A writer is a writer..always will be", so blogging might take another form and shape and some might get too busy with their daily life and start to drift and blogging might not be as an appealing priority anymore.
Still even if not written, the words are there and mentally they are active as ever.
When that part of your time is filled by a new addiction!!
ReplyDeleteI wouldn’t say most of the things I write in my blog, I love being anonyms
And the fact, that I let my ideas out and they can be looked by other people, maybe they have something to teach me or correct me in return, the best part, is when I start reading my old posts after a while, different feelings raise, it could be wth where you thinking woman??!?!? or I could look at things from an entirely new perspective, either way I feel that I have evolved somehow, I started this blog cause I had to say something, but I couldn’t say it out loud cause of the trouble it would bring me, and for now it’s serves it’s purpose beautifully!!! Maybe I’m a coward or hypocrite, but it’s working for me!!!
>> Someday:
ReplyDeleteHappy you are enjoying the journey and I can relate to the evolving part when you look back and see how things have changed and you with it accordingly.
When suddenly things might take a new meaning or seem simpler or sometimes it feels weird that what used to be clear isn't clear anymore.
When it works as an alarming signal if you divert from your designated path.
When you see the small bits and pieces added together to form a new transformation.
So if it is an addiction, I wonder what greater new addiction shall replace it and suffice current needs.
I was thiking about this for a few days now.. wondering if I will ever stop.. and how will it be..
ReplyDeleteLately I have been puttng alot of my personal emotions and experiences in it.. It makes me feel better because in real life, I don't share how I feel with others.. Now, I love my blog, but who knows what's happening n the future???
>> ::: SHAYOUMA ::: :
ReplyDeleteYou pour your emotions and thoughts into your blog and breathe through your words.
So it's basically a way of life and by killing it means adapting new forms of venting.
as long as i keep thinking, ill never get "cured and vanish", but if i do decide to take a break, it's only because i have come to a point in my life where i gave up on everything....
ReplyDelete>> Lone Ranger'ess:
ReplyDeleteInteresting perspective.
Thinking is the fuel for such posts.
So presumably it's never going to end and it's safe to say that blogging is the ultimate salvation and it shall not take new forms of shapes.
I hope that you don't give up or we'll call Dr. Phil to fix you up :)
I am honored by your response, Touche. I lost track of you the last couple months - my bad - family issues, a lot of travelling and holiday stuff. Then I came across your marriage rules entry, and read with horrified fascination.
ReplyDeleteYou are a compelling writer. I can guess at some of the impetus. I would miss you greatly if you disappeared.
We all have our reasons for blogging. Sometimes it is a kind of anaesthetic, and sometimes, as with my friend (we've never met) MIrror Polisher, the healing happens so fast that it gets scary.
Please keep blogging, or keep writing in an environment when we can all go along for the ride with you. You really are a brilliant writer.
>> Intl Xpatr:
ReplyDeleteI'm really flattered with your compliment.
For every beginning there is an end. I'm not taking that route yet as long as the journey goes.
It might be scary indeed to heal faster than expected with the dreadful anticipation of bouncing back with high speed.
Many things take other shapes and I don't see why blogging should be the exception. As you have mentioned, if it is anesthetic then it might provoke new paths. The blog might take a new shape for a new purpose and continue to seize exist serving a new desire.
I had a therapy blog ! And once i let go the steam , i chose to cool down things with the present one ... Though i think i am anonymous .... " there is no such thing called ' anonymous blogger' . Some one eventually figure out who you are .... thats why my first blog died ...
ReplyDelete>> Grey:
ReplyDeleteGrey, I may not be a regular commenter on your blog, but I’m a HUGE lurker :)
So this is what it’s supposed to be when you had cooled down, I wonder how did you sound when the steams were still trapped in.
So you really think that it’s not possible to stay anonymous for as long as you wish? It sure will end my blog abruptly once someone blows my identity.
I admit it takes an effort to stay anonymous and proofreading your posts and comments for anything that might shed a light on who you might be.
I see that you are enjoying your hide and seek my friend, with your little exposed information you have managed to spread here and there, don’t tell me that you shall vanish once you’re busted. Call the troops off and distract them to lost ends :)
It's no secret where i work anymore , either how i looK ( ask chika ;( ) yeah probably my blog will vanish for sure ! hee hee !
ReplyDeleteThanks for lurking ! :D
>> Grey:
ReplyDeleteYou're not prophesying a grand escape, are you?
It will be a great loss my friend. Chika will probably hunt you down and put things in order :)