I have no idea what's the purpose of sending those messages to all the contacts in phone's memory whilst not knowing exactly to whom they are being sent.
Not having the time to make such calls isn't really a substantial reason for not making the call, the cliché that it’s a busy life isn't valid, a call will take less than five minutes and you can always make those calls during the day, or the least you can do is to write a personal message, Not just some junk forward texts.
You only get them in special occasions from some numbers that you might have totally forgotten about. It even sometimes gets really silly that you get them from unknown numbers because you have erased them and you only recognize them by the sender's name at the end and you know for certain you've just been junk messaged.
Sometimes I surmise about such messages, does the sender really remember me? does the sender know if I'm still using the same mobile number? Does the sender know that it has been sent to me? I know for sure that I haven't got a call from that number, I know for sure that if that name hasn't been typed I'd never guess the sender's identity.
Call me old fashion but I feel ashamed from sending such messages when I just can call them, I mean isn't that the purpose of the message, to say that you are being remembered, to congratulate you and wish you well!! The call really puts a value to it, unlike a text message which has been sent by mistake by choosing all contacts in the list!!
Irony, you receive messages from all kinds of people yet not even a word from those who you yearn for every single day. And still waiting.
Well, it's faster & more cost effecient :)
ReplyDeleteI like getting messages from people whom I haven't talked to in a long time. I don't expect everyone on my contact list to call me too. I do take the time to write my own text message and I do forward it to those I care about. I have some of my aunts and uncle's numbers whom we don't quite talk much on the phone, but I have their number. I do see them in gatherings but in case I do not, I know they at least have gotten my message. Sure the idea of calling would be great, it sure is wonderful to speak with someone whom you care about and probably haven't talk to in a while, but personally, I don't like talking so much, and a text message does its job, without anything extra. That's only my point of view though :D
ReplyDeleteI'm the kinda girl who just calls and starts blabbering. My mouth never takes a holiday and blah, loads of people can stand up to that. *giggles*
ReplyDeleteSo yeah, I'd personally call and say what I want to say- it saves time and all the effort and it gives me a chance to talk Jesus down.
I only resort to smsing when:
1. I'm oh-so-broke.
2. The person is in another country.
3. I know the person I'm trying to contact is busy- in a meeting, with family, whatever.
4. Thanking a friend or some guy I'm dating for a nice time.
5. I'm not sure if the person I'm trying to contact would be awake or not.
Its weird though. I do love receiving smses. Hate the forwards (my friends know they'd be ignored if I get some miserable forward in either mailbox- phone or email) and wouldn't send em to anyone. I often save the messages that mean alot to me. For some strange reason, I still have the messages my ex-fiance sent me when we first met. Weird
I make excellent use of the landline in Doha- calling from local landline to landline is free and guess why my parents can never get through to me when I'm at home? Yeah, you guessed it. Hey.. after all, I *am* the girl who shouted at by daddy for being on the phone since he left in the morning and came back for lunch. If there's a nobel prize for talking loads, you know who'll win it. ;)
Anyway, wanna sms me? :P Loool :P
♥ Maya
SMS is waaaaay better than phone calls, I use sms to keep in touch with my friends.. li-darajah, enni i love getting msgs bs i hate to see missed calls =F~
ReplyDelete>> Chikapappi:
ReplyDeleteAgree, but it doesn't carry the same personal gesture, doesn't feel genuine.
Beside, what triggers me those messages that weren't initially aimed for my inbox. Some sort of a habit that people picked up along the way by highlighting the whole list.
>> N:
In most of those cases this is true and valid. And I myself tend to send messages when I'm not in the mood to talk to anyone, but I write them myself not just junk sms forwarded. They're those junk messages that irritate me, it just makes you wonder if the sender knows that he/she has sent them to you in the first place.
Consider this scenario, pick up your phone and scroll down the names in your contact list, there is a high possibility that you might bump into an entry which you can't really remember, aside from those names that have been long forgotten in your list and you didn't erase them. Last week I went through mine and found an entry with the name "Osama", now all I could think of is, who the hell is Osama!!! I've only known one Osama in my life and he was my instructor in college. Now imagine me sending a junk message including him by mistake as I choose the whole list to save the time of writing a personal one or making the call. He would probably go "HUH!!!!"
It's possible and very likely
Now, you know how screwed up our telecommunications are, on special occasions they get into a horrible lagging phase and all at once you get those messages that won't stop at any given time, what about midnight when you are about to sleep, and to make it worse, you won't be able to get an important message because it has been deeply queued in the pipeline for too long and stuck because of those junk messages.
Now that's a glimpse of the irritation.
>> Maya
It makes perfect sense, those are reasonable excuses for sending messages instead of calling them up.
It seems we are on the same page :)
Funny, I know some people who do cherish those personal messages, I do have a couple from a friend which were enlightening and had some special occasion. There was a time when my best friend sent me a message which made no sense to me, I sent back "!!!". The answer was that is was my own message that I sent him back in 1999. It really brought a stream of memories.
Been trying to reach on the land-line, but it keeps giving me the busy tone :)
I wonder if people still use landlines among the younger generation.
>> Very.Q8ya:
Nothing against messages as long as they are personally written and not merely forward junk messages from God knows who.
Landlines - rapidly becoming passe; too infrastructure intensive. VOIP - needs improvement, but what a way to go!
ReplyDeleteMaybe I'm old, but I can't stand getting congratulatory SMS's on holidays.
ReplyDeleteI use SMS to send brief messages to family abroad and that's about it.
I scrolled down my list of contacts about a month ago and ended up deleting about 1/4 of them.
I'd have to agree with you.
ReplyDeleteThis is ironic. My old friends and relatives send those forwarded messages only on these special occasions, but they don't know if you're still alive or not!
I undertand that some can be quite busy, but a written text message from the heart is better than a forwarded message.
Few simple words from the heart is better than a lovely poem forwarded to you. That's all what I have to say...
>> Inrlxpart:
ReplyDeleteThey are rarely used nowadays unless you are at work.
>> Stinni:
I bet many will end up with the same ratio if they start deleting dormant numbers.
Funny thing happened a while ago, a guy kept telling his friend that his mobile is always switched off and no one can reach him, when the friend asked the guy which number he is calling, he found out that the guy has been calling a number that has been discontinued for over 6 months and he is still calling the old default number stored without noticing that he should have deleted the old one with the replaced one.
>> CeCe:
My sentiment exactly
wow! i totally agree with you!!! forwards are *so* impersonal! you're right, when i get these jokes and stuff, i do wonder if the person who sent it to me even *knows* they have :P
ReplyDeletehaha...yeah well, everyone in the world's called me in the last 3 days...except for my boyfriend, says he's busy. What can i do but wait...
got to your blog from maya's...makes a great read :-)
Welcome to my blog, glad you liked it.
ReplyDeleteLook at the bright side, at least everyone called you and did not message you :)
Sure he had his reasons.
there are certain ppl that i do avoid calling, but cant afford to lose contact with them and so i sms them every once in a while. the reason i avoid calling is because if i open this door it will never close, atleast not for the time-being.. it'll be call after call and that can get pretty time-consuming. but i do sms them because in the long run i care for them and like saying hi once in a while.
ReplyDeleteand then there are those that i feel the obligation to call.. to me, it'll be rude to just send an sms especially to those ppl
in the end, i hate mobiles/phones/sources of communication other than the internet! way too many strings attached;P!
>> Lone Ranger'ess:
ReplyDeleteI relate completely to the strings theory with all differen forms of communications :)
Hmm, I liked the way you put it for those people you care for but can't afford to have them glued to your life on a daily basis.
So basically you like to have your own space and can't tolerate it when they start to interfere with your serenity.
It's takes some mutual understanding for such conditioned relations.