Disclaimer: The post is based on actual conversations and doesn't necessary reflects my opinion.
The following is a result of repetitive conversations between any guy who's planning to get married (traditionally) and a group of married guys with the guidelines of dealing with a new marriage as proposed and extracted from their experience. It's a controversial topic to tackle and married guys are the only ones who are entitled to apprehend it accurately.
Married guys tend to advice bachelors who plan to get married by providing them with a set of rules and tactics.
As shockingly and provocative as it might sound to many (specially girls) the first rule is to assume that the girl is naive no matter how educated and intellectual she is. There are exceptions, but better be safe than sorry by assuming that and dealing accordingly.
To make it clearer. No matter how smart a girl is, first and foremost during the first days of engagement is to say NO without offering any apparent reason because no matter how convincing you are, you'll never win an argument due to the very simple reason that a girl shall always drift you into non rational dimensions. She'll never give up and shall elude you by leading you to her maze of thoughts. Sha'll drain your energy till you give up and say "OK" for sake of dropping off the topic and out of frustration.
Just say some few NOs without any explanation from the beginning so when the shit hits the fan you might use it and save yourself a week of headache. The girl won't nag for an explanation for irrational requests if she knows that sometimes a "no" is just a "no". A girl's perspective is never as a man's perspective and she'll never grasp the things you might see, so save yourself the trouble and use the magical word. (this advice has been emphasized to those who tend to debate and discuss everything logically and trying to convince the other party, as you can't convince someone who is mostly emotional and hormonal with high dependency on mothers, sisters and friends to formulate opinions).
A girl is a gifted natural negotiator with stacks of arguments, so never try to outsmart her in her own field, yet don't be a herded sheep. She loves her ideas and you can almost always convince her with your idea by managing to make it look like it's all hers. Simply let her reach that idea by her own while you pave the way.
Always clearly state the things you care about which are essential to you and never try to hide them or even rectify them. If you love fishing a lot, admit it. If you are a soccer fanatic, say it out loud. If you think that friends gatherings are sacred (dewaneya) then spell it out. You don't want to argue "you didn't say so".
And always make it up to her in every possible way, don't go too far in perusing your habits over her expenses. Give her her fair share of time, show interest in her essentials and try to indulge her. Always dedicate that time completely to her with no interruptions whatsoever. Then and only then, you are allowed to have your time with no worries and guilt. Just try to balance it out. Marriage doesn't mean slicing yourself from your old life completely, it's a matter of balance, understanding & priorities.
A crucial tactic is trying to be crude in the early days of engagement, not to be too easy going, looking all cute and acting so romantically. Just try to manifest your bad sides and never the other way around. Don't go over the fence with it and get carried away but try to resemble your bad days and gloomy moods. Let her get a taste of what might she be facing in one of those bad days. It's drawing the first image phase. Girls are proned to remind you of every single change and incident in your life and act like a breathing reminder with the most lovable line "You've changed a lot since we got married". The thing is that girls fail to realize that you can't always be in a great mood, funny, open for discussions and listening to her girly complaints.
If you show your bright side first (without pretending something you are not) then you'll always be compared to that first image you helped to draw. The idea is to let her adapt and totally accept your negative sides (nothing outrageous) so when you are both on for the rest of your lives, she'll manage to deal with you and won't say "You've never been like that before". It's a way to make a girl know that there is plenty of good sides in your bucket than those down times, to have that first image backing you up in case subconsciously she refers to it.
Always show your jealousy in a reasonable scale and never try to cut her from her old life. She's always had her own circle of friends and habits and you must accept them and don't enforce changes unless they don't fit a marriage life style.
Show that you care about things that thrills her and bring it up every once in a while to show that you do care even if you are not interested in a certain topic.
A girl is molded with a nagging potion that you can't break, accept it and deal with it. Don't fight it back specially if you have short tolerance to nagging and with tantrums tendency. It's the way they are, they've been designed in that way and you have to take the whole package.
Those are some of the tactical guidelines that keep popping up for every new possible groom. Lots of whispers and plenty of plans.
After hearing those advices, a single thought bugged me, it's too complicated to follow. It's supposed to be spontaneous, sure there are compromises, sacrifices and adjusting. But I've always felt it's supposed to be much simpler.
Apart from the content, I love the scene when a poor friend who's about to get married gets cornered by the married wolves pack and they start feeding him all the necessary information to insure the success of the marriage while all outsiders (singles) are kept aside with no chance to offer anything. All eyes are on him and he's trying to grasp as much data as possible and not being able to voice his opinion. It's download time for him not processing time.
It amuses me and always reminds me of "Khalti Gmasha" when So'ad Abdullah ges to live with her in-laws and on the first day she has to swallow all the crapped rules from Mariam Al-Saleh & Mariam Al-Ghadhban :)
The following is a result of repetitive conversations between any guy who's planning to get married (traditionally) and a group of married guys with the guidelines of dealing with a new marriage as proposed and extracted from their experience. It's a controversial topic to tackle and married guys are the only ones who are entitled to apprehend it accurately.
Married guys tend to advice bachelors who plan to get married by providing them with a set of rules and tactics.
As shockingly and provocative as it might sound to many (specially girls) the first rule is to assume that the girl is naive no matter how educated and intellectual she is. There are exceptions, but better be safe than sorry by assuming that and dealing accordingly.
To make it clearer. No matter how smart a girl is, first and foremost during the first days of engagement is to say NO without offering any apparent reason because no matter how convincing you are, you'll never win an argument due to the very simple reason that a girl shall always drift you into non rational dimensions. She'll never give up and shall elude you by leading you to her maze of thoughts. Sha'll drain your energy till you give up and say "OK" for sake of dropping off the topic and out of frustration.
Just say some few NOs without any explanation from the beginning so when the shit hits the fan you might use it and save yourself a week of headache. The girl won't nag for an explanation for irrational requests if she knows that sometimes a "no" is just a "no". A girl's perspective is never as a man's perspective and she'll never grasp the things you might see, so save yourself the trouble and use the magical word. (this advice has been emphasized to those who tend to debate and discuss everything logically and trying to convince the other party, as you can't convince someone who is mostly emotional and hormonal with high dependency on mothers, sisters and friends to formulate opinions).
A girl is a gifted natural negotiator with stacks of arguments, so never try to outsmart her in her own field, yet don't be a herded sheep. She loves her ideas and you can almost always convince her with your idea by managing to make it look like it's all hers. Simply let her reach that idea by her own while you pave the way.
Always clearly state the things you care about which are essential to you and never try to hide them or even rectify them. If you love fishing a lot, admit it. If you are a soccer fanatic, say it out loud. If you think that friends gatherings are sacred (dewaneya) then spell it out. You don't want to argue "you didn't say so".
And always make it up to her in every possible way, don't go too far in perusing your habits over her expenses. Give her her fair share of time, show interest in her essentials and try to indulge her. Always dedicate that time completely to her with no interruptions whatsoever. Then and only then, you are allowed to have your time with no worries and guilt. Just try to balance it out. Marriage doesn't mean slicing yourself from your old life completely, it's a matter of balance, understanding & priorities.
A crucial tactic is trying to be crude in the early days of engagement, not to be too easy going, looking all cute and acting so romantically. Just try to manifest your bad sides and never the other way around. Don't go over the fence with it and get carried away but try to resemble your bad days and gloomy moods. Let her get a taste of what might she be facing in one of those bad days. It's drawing the first image phase. Girls are proned to remind you of every single change and incident in your life and act like a breathing reminder with the most lovable line "You've changed a lot since we got married". The thing is that girls fail to realize that you can't always be in a great mood, funny, open for discussions and listening to her girly complaints.
If you show your bright side first (without pretending something you are not) then you'll always be compared to that first image you helped to draw. The idea is to let her adapt and totally accept your negative sides (nothing outrageous) so when you are both on for the rest of your lives, she'll manage to deal with you and won't say "You've never been like that before". It's a way to make a girl know that there is plenty of good sides in your bucket than those down times, to have that first image backing you up in case subconsciously she refers to it.
Always show your jealousy in a reasonable scale and never try to cut her from her old life. She's always had her own circle of friends and habits and you must accept them and don't enforce changes unless they don't fit a marriage life style.
Show that you care about things that thrills her and bring it up every once in a while to show that you do care even if you are not interested in a certain topic.
A girl is molded with a nagging potion that you can't break, accept it and deal with it. Don't fight it back specially if you have short tolerance to nagging and with tantrums tendency. It's the way they are, they've been designed in that way and you have to take the whole package.
Those are some of the tactical guidelines that keep popping up for every new possible groom. Lots of whispers and plenty of plans.
After hearing those advices, a single thought bugged me, it's too complicated to follow. It's supposed to be spontaneous, sure there are compromises, sacrifices and adjusting. But I've always felt it's supposed to be much simpler.
Apart from the content, I love the scene when a poor friend who's about to get married gets cornered by the married wolves pack and they start feeding him all the necessary information to insure the success of the marriage while all outsiders (singles) are kept aside with no chance to offer anything. All eyes are on him and he's trying to grasp as much data as possible and not being able to voice his opinion. It's download time for him not processing time.
It amuses me and always reminds me of "Khalti Gmasha" when So'ad Abdullah ges to live with her in-laws and on the first day she has to swallow all the crapped rules from Mariam Al-Saleh & Mariam Al-Ghadhban :)
Interesting, this is the male's version of Fein & Shneider's
ReplyDeleteComplete Book of Rules :P
O well, personally I think if two people are mentally compatible to one another (similar to a certain extent in education and mentality), love and respect each other, they will naturally grow to understand what the other person needs and know with proper communication how to ignite passion into their lives without playing any sorts of games.
Best of luck to all newlyweds out there :P
This is truly fascinating. I had a general idea of some of the things here. I probably would need to revisit this later on to grasp is, and make it really sink in. This is golden.
ReplyDeleteI have nothing smart to say . I just love your way with words .
ReplyDeleteCheers .
i beg to differ.. i am a female and yes all of wht u mentioned is true, i admit it..but not all of us are like that. it's really all about "compromises and sacrifices" for those u love.
ReplyDeletei dont believe in a set of rules/guidelines that one must abide to, where's the fun in that?!
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletelol..they're messing with the poor guy's head!!..just let it flow in it's own natural order.
ReplyDeletedon't you think that each should walk in with a clean slate and just act like they usually are?
ReplyDeletewhen u look for a partner you look for comfort.. why all these tactics..
both set rules and never deviate from them.. such as:
once a week dinner, once a month sleep in chalet with dewaneya buddies, once a year trip with friends.. applicable to both and both have to stick to it..
the rest is part of getting to know each other.. and each couple has different trends
>> Sushi a.k.a. Tiny Potatoe:
ReplyDeleteAgree to what you’ve said. Compatibility insures stability and most likely in the long run they’ll manage to shape one another.
>> N.:
Thank you, I’m glad that you liked it.
Do I sense someone’s preparing to take the next step? :)
>> Grey Shorts:
Your presence is adequate.
Cheers to you too.
>> Lone Ranger’ess:
My sentiment exactly.
It feels like taking the life out of the process while trying to tailor things out. Though, those guidelines have some merit in them.
>> Hope:
They were supporting the natural flow each with his own experience :)
Why have you deleted your blog if I may ask?
You’ll be greatly missed.
>> Beyond q8iya:
Still you’ve managed to set some rules to maintain a healthy life.
The whole idea is to apply them for the first few weeks to avoid a bumpy start and the rest is up them to adjust accordingly. I think it’s more related to male-female mentality.
Holy Smokes! Who is the naive one if they listen to all that hmmm. . . input?
ReplyDeleteEvery marriage is different, built by the two individuals involved.
Fascinating entry, Touche. I am in total awe.
They make it seem like marriage is so mechanical..practical..learn all those rules and you will be set for life..
ReplyDeleteI think 'Connection' is very important. I wish people would build on the spiritual and emotional partnership because this would make things solid between one another which makes the practicalities of life not so hard to accomplish, and it would minimize all the mechanical things.
Khalil Gibran's chapter on marriage came to mind when I read your post. It is very interesting:
I know I sidetracked a bit, but I am starting to think that the Kuwaiti 'way' is not working for many people.
p.s I deleted my blog because it was linked to different sites. Its better off being lost.
ReplyDelete>> Intl Xpatr:
ReplyDeleteI've heard those conversations over and over and each time a new groom to be it obliged to open up his mind for the new so-called tactics.
Indeed, the two individuals are steering their lives and each marriage is unique.
Those advices have some merit in them, mostly the married guys have been in that boat for at least a couple of years with what you might call a successful marriage so their input is valued from whoever is going to leave his spinsterhood.
OMG, I've been tagged. I've never read any of those tags and never thought that I might one day do one myself.
Thank you for the sweet description in your post :)
I'll post it once I get around to it, you'll be informed.
>> Hope:
Absolutely, part of it is mechanical. You've managed to shed a light into it. An arranged marriage is actually mechanical and thus those mechanical formulas can be applied. It actually makes sense more now.
What can overpower a real mutual understanding with solid grounds while emotions flowing in. It is the best case scenario and unfortunately not many are lucky enough for such a bless.
I'll go through your link and comment back on it.
I hope that your presence continues nonetheless. As your input is highly addictive.
I hope that once you're found / find yourself again, you shall surface one more time.
I am happy I am still single :)
ReplyDeleteInteresting tactics yet for what? why don't they live in peace.. why don't men be honest and spell whats in their minds!!
ReplyDeleteanyhow, diwaniya is overrated!! whats so appealing in diwaniya? cards, kout bu6?
ReplyDeleteIt's easier to just be yourself. So engagement finishes, you plan on carrying the charade for a lifetime? meh, too much trouble.
This sort of reminds me of The Rule Book for girls I tried to follow when I was 13 haha
Cutting it short women are not identical, each has her own thoughts beliefs etc. So setting that as a guideline or whatever you feeling like calling it, is quite pointless.. such a shame that some men still believe that all women are the same.
ReplyDeleteNo you misunderstood. You will have to have access to my blog. I will have to invite you, so I need an email.
ReplyDeleteIn our culture... unfortunately this is very common and unfortunately this is just so widely spread amongst the male population's thoughts.
ReplyDeleteSometimes, the guy and the girl don't really have such complicated thoughts when they think of marriage, but it is their peers who force such thoughts and doubts and dumb beliefs into their heads.... hence complicating the entire issue and omitting the simplicity of the entire matter.
marriage is scary man
ReplyDeletejust too damn scary!
>> Amu:
ReplyDeleteMakes you cherish what you have :)
Wait, are we really?
>> Oranjina fadidra:
Maybe because they fear the consequences of such honesty when dealing with someone who is completely strange to them.
lol, the dewaniya was merely an example. To some guys it’s a holy place to them, the place which the wife should not speak of.
>> Trevelyana:
Well, I’ve asked them that particular question and the said it’s only for the first few weeks trying to build up a certain tolerance and foundation. They claim that a single guy shall never understand the importance of such tactics.
>> FourMe:
Well, to them it’s playing it safe rather ending up being sorry.
Sure women aren’t identical and men aren’t as well.
>> Hope:
Check your inbox.
>> Canc3riaN:
Excellent, very well written. It is precisely what happens.
>> eshda3wa:
I bet it is, when you end up with someone you know so little about you have all the reasons to fear the experience.
It is supposed to be much simpler and easier.
The post is interesting and what's even more interesting is that women already know of these tactics.
ReplyDeleteMy friend got married 3 months ago and every married and single girl told her husband might act that way. and give many advices into how to deal with that.
So Ha Ha men :P
>> Noufa:
ReplyDeleteInteresting, so it’s a mutual understanding of such behavior.
I wonder what are the newlyweds female tactics (if any) :)